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Carat is the measure of a diamond’s mass or weight. For the past century, the carat unit has been set at a standard 200 milligrams. Diamonds are often measured in increments of 1/4 carat.
Carat is the measure of a diamond’s mass or weight. For the past century, the carat unit has been set at a standard 200 milligrams. Diamonds are often measured in increments of 1/4 carat.
Clarity is the measure of a diamond’s inclusions, which occur naturally inside the stone or on the stone's surface. Flawless diamonds are considered the most desirable for their rare perfection.
Color is the measure of a diamond’s natural hue. The grading spectrum ranges from colorless to yellow. Colorless diamonds are rare, and are prized for their natural beauty and value.
Cut is the measure of a diamond’s beauty and craftsmanship. A diamond's cut grade is determined by its geometrical proportions and symmetry, which affect the play of light reflected in the diamond.
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